Tabwoo™ Practitioner Certification

Become a masterful practitioner who confidently and competently facilitates miracle-style results that stand out and sell out (at the highest level prices).

Lock in your spot before we sell out!

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($11497.00)$11497.00
  • Preferred option
    3 monthly payments ($3999/mnth)3x $3999.00
  • Preferred option
    9 monthly payments ($1388/mnth)9x $1388.00

"My whole lifestyle and income completed shifted and I had my first pay in full client, money coming from new sources, amazing opportunities that came my way, and I made my first 5-figures. I made $12,000 from shifting my mindset and being in a completely different state. These techniques and modalities really work."

Lotus Sky

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"I am Type A, I like to see a structure, I like being scientific and some of these things if you would have told me about them before I experienced them for myself, I would have never believed that this type of transformation was available and possible in such a short period of time. So, I'm so so excited that we got to learn them here.

As a part of this overall program, I just had the biggest launch that I've ever had I welcomed 60 new students into a program that I conceptualized and built while I was in this program here, with Lexi.  I've lost 20 lbs in 3 months, had my biggest month ever ($50k!), made business besties and experienced being a part of a supportive community."

Kaye Putnam

"This isn't just some program. This is the School of Life."

Quiana LaChé


  • Total payment
  • 1xTABWOO CERTIFICATION - $1,500 off$0

All prices in USD

Become a Certified Coach + Practitioner in 6 potent modalities

Experience Personal and Professional Mastery by moving through the 3 Layers of Mastery—Learn, Embody, Facilitate

Recode your Mind, Body, Soul, and Energy for Epic Success

Confidently Facilitate Immediate + Lasting Results with Clients

"I’ve attracted new clients and several other potential clients have reached out (unprompted!!) to work together. Abundance Embodiment: Unlocked! The changes were deep, immediate, AND sustained!"

Marley Jamason
